Collapsible nav
This is a high level component that creates a flyout-style navigational pane.
EuiCollapsibleNav is a custom implementation of EuiFlyout; the visibility of which must
still be maintained by the consuming application. An extra feature that it provides is the ability to dock
the flyout.
This affixes the flyout to the window and pushes the body content by adding left side padding.
Docking is not possible on small screens because it would force less real estate for the page content.
Collapsible nav group
An EuiCollapsibleNavGroup adds some basic borders and background
color of none
, light
, or dark
Give each section a heading by providing an optional title
and iconType
. Make the section collapsible
(accordion style) with isCollapsible=true
When in isCollapsible
mode, a title
and initialIsOpen:boolean
is required.
Nav groups with lists and other content
EuiCollapsibleNavGroups can contain any children. They work well with EuiListGroup, EuiPinnableListGroup and simple EuiText.
Below are a few established patterns to use.
Full pattern with header and saved pins
Putting it all together
The button below will launch a fullscreen example that includes EuiHeader with a toggle button to open an EuiCollapsibleNav. The contents of which are multiple EuiCollapsibleNavGroups and saves the open/closed/pinned state for each section and item in local store.
This is just a pattern and should be treated as such. Consuming applications will need to create the navigation groups according to their context and save the states as is appropriate to their data store.