When placing charts into smaller containers or panels, you must re-evaluate your data to provide a more simplified version. This could be as simple as shifting legend positions from the right side to the bottom or adding annotations to give context and describe the key points in your data.
Sparklines are quick visual summaries of data where actual values are not important. They should be only a single series and not contain more than 12 values. Be sure to remove all extraneous markings like ticks, labels, tooltips and grid. The surrounding content should give context to the sparkline.
EUI also provides a quick theme alteration object that you can merge with the correct dark or light theme to properly style your sparklines.
import { DARK_THEME, LIGHT_THEME } from '@elastic/charts';
const MyChart = () => {
const sparklineOverrides = chartsPlugin.theme.useSparklineOverrides(); // requires kibana charts plugin
const chartBaseTheme = isDarkTheme ? DARK_THEME : LIGHT_THEME;
return (
<Settings baseTheme={chartBaseTheme} theme={sparklineOverrides} />
Other key configurations
Settings.showLegend = false
Tooltip.type = "none"