Tables can get complicated very fast. If you're just looking for a basic table with pagination, sorting, checkbox selection, and actions then you should use EuiBasicTable. It's a high level component that removes the need to worry about constructing individual components together. You simply arrange your data in the format it asks for.
However if your table is more complicated, you can still use the individual table components like rows, headers, and pagination separately to do what you need. Find examples for that at the bottom of this page.
A basic table
EuiBasicTable is an opinionated high level component that standardizes both display and injection. At its most simple it only accepts two properties:
are an array of objects that should be displayed in the table; one item per row. The exact item data that will be rendered in each cell in these rows is determined by thecolumns
property. You can definerowProps
props which can either be objects or functions that return objects. The returned objects will be applied as props to the rendered rows and row cells, respectively.columns
defines what columns the table has and how to extract item data to display each cell in each row.
This example shows the most basic form of the EuiBasicTable. It is configured with the required items
and columns
properties. It shows how each column defines the data it needs to display per item. Some columns display the value as is (e.g. firstName
and lastName
fields for the user column). Other columns customize the display of the data before it is injected. This customization can be done in two (non-mutual exclusive) ways:
- Provide a hint about the type of data (e.g. the "Date of Birth" column indicates that the data it shows is of type
). Providing data type hints will cause built-in display components to be adjusted (e.g. numbers will become right aligned, just like Excel). - Provide a
function that given the value (and the item as a second argument) returns the React node that should be displayed as the content of the cell. This can be as simple as formatting values (e.g. the "Date of Birth" column) to utilizing more complex React components (e.g. the "Online", "Github", and "Nationality" columns as seen below). Note: the basic table will treat any cells that use arender
function as beingtextOnly: false
. This may cause unnecessary word breaks. ApplytextOnly: true
to ensure it breaks properly.
Adding pagination to a table
The following example shows how to configure pagination via the pagination
Adding sorting to a table
The following example shows how to configure column sorting via the sorting
property and flagging the sortable columns as sortable: true
. To enable the default sorting ability for every column, pass enableAllColumns: true
to the sorting
prop. If you don't want the user to have control over the sort you can pass readOnly: true
to the sorting
prop or per column.
Adding selection to a table
The following example shows how to configure selection via the selection
property. For uncontrolled usage, where selection changes are determined entirely by the user, you can set items to be selected initially by passing an array of items to selection.initialSelected
. You can also use selected.onSelectionChange
to track or respond to the items that users select.
To completely control table selection, use selection.selected
instead (which requires passing selected.onSelectionChange
). This can be useful if you want to handle table selections based on user interaction with another part of the UI.
Adding a footer to a table
The following example shows how to add a footer to your table by adding footer
to your column definitions. If one or more of your columns contains a footer
definition, the footer area will be visible. By default, columns with no footer specified (undefined) will render an empty cell to preserve the table layout. Check out the Build a custom table section below for more examples of how you can work with table footers in EUI.
Expanding rows
You can expand rows by passing in a itemIdToExpandedRowMap
prop which will contain the content you want rendered inside the expanded row. When building out your table manually (not using EuiBasicTable), you will also need to add the prop isExpandedRow
to the row that will be revealed.
Adding actions to table
The following example demonstrates "actions" columns. These are special columns where you define per-row, item level actions. The most basic action you might define is a type button
or icon
though you can always make your own custom actions as well.
Actions enforce some strict UI/UX guidelines:
- There can only be up to 2 actions visible per row. When more than two actions are defined, the first 2
actions will stay visible, an ellipses icon button will hold all actions in a single popover. - Actions change opacity when user hovers over the row with the mouse. When more than 2 actions are supplied, only the ellipses icon button stays visible at all times.
- When one or more table row(s) are selected, all item actions are disabled. Users should be expected to use some bulk action outside the individual table rows instead.
Table layout
EuiBasicTable has a fixed layout by default. You can change it to auto
using the tableLayout
prop. Note that setting tableLayout
to auto
prevents the truncateText
prop from working properly. If you want to set different columns widths while still being able to use truncateText
, set the width of each column using the width
You can also set the vertical alignment (valign
) at the column level which will affect the cell contents for that entire column excluding the header and footer.
Responsive tables
Tables will be mobile-responsive by default, breaking down each row into its own card section and individually displaying each table header above the cell contents. The default breakpoint at which the table will responsively shift into cards is the
window size, which can be customized with the responsiveBreakpoint
prop (e.g., responsiveBreakpoint="s"
).To never render your table responsively (e.g. for tables with very few columns), you may set responsiveBreakpoint={false}
. Inversely, if you always want your table to render in a mobile-friendly manner, pass true
. The below example table switches between true/false
for quick/easy preview between mobile and desktop table UIs at all breakpoints.
To customize your cell's appearance/rendering in mobile vs. desktop view, use the mobileOptions
configuration. This object can be passed to each column item in EuiBasicTable or to EuiTableRowCell directly. See the "Snippet" tab in the below example, or the "Props" tab for a full list of configuration options.
Build a custom table from individual components
As an alternative to EuiBasicTable you can instead construct a table from individual low level, basic components like EuiTableHeader and EuiTableRowCell. Below is one of many ways you might set this up on your own. Important to note are how you need to set individual props like the truncateText
prop to cells to enforce a single-line behavior and truncate their contents, or set the textOnly
prop to false
if you need the contents to be a direct descendent of the cell.
Responsive extras
You must supply a mobileOptions.header
prop equivalent to the column header on each EuiTableRowCell so that the mobile version will use that to populate the per cell headers.
Also, custom table implementations will not auto-populate any header level functions like selection and filtering. In order to add mobile support for these functions, you will need to implement the EuiTableHeaderMobile component as a wrapper around these and use EuiTableSortMobile and EuiTableSortMobileItem components to supply mobile sorting. See demo below.
Prop | Description and type | Default value |
Prop items# | Description and type A list of objects to appear in the table - an item per row T[] | Default value Required |
Prop columns# | Description and type An array of one of the objects: #EuiTableFieldDataColumnType, #EuiTableComputedColumnType or #EuiTableActionsColumnType. EuiBasicTableColumn<T>[] | Default value Required |
Prop className# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop aria-label# | Description and type Defines a string value that labels the current element. string | Default value |
Prop data-test-subj# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop css# | Description and type Type: Interpolation<Theme> | Default value |
Prop itemId# | Description and type Describes how to extract a unique ID from each item, used for selections & expanded rows ItemId<T> | Default value |
Prop itemIdToExpandedRowMap# | Description and type Row expansion uses the itemId prop to identify each row ItemIdToExpandedRowMap | Default value |
Prop cellProps# | Description and type Applied to object | CellPropsCallback<T> | Default value |
Prop error# | Description and type Error message to display string | Default value |
Prop tableCaption# | Description and type Describes the content of the table. If not specified, the caption will be "This table contains {itemCount} rows." string | Default value |
Prop rowHeader# | Description and type Indicates which column should be used as the identifying cell in each row. Should match a "field" prop in FieldDataColumn string | Default value |
Prop loading# | Description and type Provides an infinite loading indicator boolean | Default value |
Prop noItemsMessage# | Description and type Message to display if table is empty ReactNode | Default value (
<EuiI18n token="euiBasicTable.noItemsMessage" default="No items found" />
) |
Prop onChange# | Description and type Called whenever pagination or sorting changes (this property is required when either pagination or sorting is configured). See #Criteria or #CriteriaWithPagination ((criteria: Criteria<T>) => void) | ((criteria: CriteriaWithPagination<T>) => void) | Default value |
Prop pagination# | Description and type Configures #Pagination Pagination | Default value |
Prop rowProps# | Description and type Applied to object | RowPropsCallback<T> | Default value |
Prop selection# | Description and type Configures #EuiTableSelectionType EuiTableSelectionType<T> | Default value |
Prop sorting# | Description and type Configures #EuiTableSortingType EuiTableSortingType<T> | Default value |
Prop tableLayout# | Description and type Sets the table-layout CSS property. Note that auto tableLayout prevents truncateText from working properly. "auto" | "fixed" | Default value fixed |
Prop compressed# | Description and type Type: boolean | Default value |
Prop responsiveBreakpoint# | Description and type Named breakpoint. Below this size, the table will collapse Pass string | boolean | Default value m |
Prop | Description and type | Default value |
Prop compressed# | Description and type Type: boolean | Default value |
Prop responsiveBreakpoint# | Description and type Named breakpoint. Below this size, the table will collapse Pass string | boolean | Default value m |
Prop tableLayout# | Description and type Sets the table-layout CSS property "auto" | "fixed" | Default value fixed |
Prop className# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop aria-label# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop data-test-subj# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop css# | Description and type Type: Interpolation<Theme> | Default value |
Prop | Description and type | Default value |
Prop className# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop aria-label# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop data-test-subj# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop css# | Description and type Type: Interpolation<Theme> | Default value |
Prop bodyRef# | Description and type Type: Ref<HTMLTableSectionElement> | Default value |
Prop | Description and type | Default value |
Prop className# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop aria-label# | Description and type Defines a string value that labels the current element. string | Default value |
Prop data-test-subj# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop css# | Description and type Type: Interpolation<Theme> | Default value |
Prop | Description and type | Default value |
Prop className# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop aria-label# | Description and type Defines a string value that labels the current element. string | Default value |
Prop data-test-subj# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop css# | Description and type Type: Interpolation<Theme> | Default value |
Prop children# | Description and type Children must be valid DOM structure residing within ReactNode | Default value |
Prop wrapWithTableRow# | Description and type Automatically adds a wrapping boolean | Default value true |
Prop | Description and type | Default value |
Prop className# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop aria-label# | Description and type Defines a string value that labels the current element. string | Default value |
Prop data-test-subj# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop css# | Description and type Type: Interpolation<Theme> | Default value |
Prop align# | Description and type Type: HorizontalAlignment | Default value left |
Prop isSortAscending# | Description and type Type: boolean | Default value |
Prop isSorted# | Description and type Type: boolean | Default value |
Prop mobileOptions# | Description and type Type: Pick<EuiTableRowCellMobileOptionsShape, "show" | "only"> | Default value |
Prop onSort# | Description and type Type: NoArgCallback<void> | Default value |
Prop scope# | Description and type Type: "col" | "colgroup" | "row" | "rowgroup" | Default value |
Prop width# | Description and type Type: string | number | Default value |
Prop description# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop readOnly# | Description and type Shows the sort indicator but removes the button boolean | Default value |
Prop append# | Description and type Content rendered outside the visible cell content wrapper. Useful for, e.g. screen reader text. Used by EuiBasicTable to render hidden copy markers ReactNode | Default value |
Prop | Description and type | Default value |
Prop className# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop aria-label# | Description and type Defines a string value that labels the current element. string | Default value |
Prop data-test-subj# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop css# | Description and type Type: Interpolation<Theme> | Default value |
Prop width# | Description and type Type: string | number | Default value |
Prop append# | Description and type Type: ReactNode | Default value |
Prop | Description and type | Default value |
Prop showPerPageOptions# | Description and type Option to completely hide the "Rows per page" selector. boolean | Default value true |
Prop itemsPerPage# | Description and type Current selection for "Rows per page". number | Default value 10 |
Prop itemsPerPageOptions# | Description and type Custom array of options for "Rows per page". number[] | Default value [10, 25, 50] |
Prop onChangeItemsPerPage# | Description and type Click handler that passes back selected ItemsPerPageChangeHandler | Default value |
Prop onChangePage# | Description and type Type: (pageIndex: number) => void | Default value |
Prop aria-controls# | Description and type Requires the string | Default value |
Prop aria-label# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop responsive# | Description and type Automatically reduces to the false | string[] | Default value |
Prop compressed# | Description and type If true, will only show next/prev arrows and simplified number set. boolean | Default value |
Prop pageCount# | Description and type The total number of pages. number | Default value |
Prop activePage# | Description and type The current page using a zero based index. number | Default value |
Prop | Description and type | Default value |
Prop className# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop aria-label# | Description and type Defines a string value that labels the current element. string | Default value |
Prop data-test-subj# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop css# | Description and type Type: Interpolation<Theme> | Default value |
Prop hasSelection# | Description and type Indicates if the table has a single column of checkboxes for selecting boolean | Default value |
Prop isSelectable# | Description and type Indicates that the current row's checkbox is selectable / not disabled boolean | Default value |
Prop isSelected# | Description and type Indicates the current row has been selected boolean | Default value |
Prop hasActions# | Description and type Indicates if the table has a dedicated column for actions boolean | "custom" | Default value |
Prop isExpandable# | Description and type Indicates if the row will have an expanded row boolean | Default value |
Prop isExpandedRow# | Description and type Indicates if the row will be the expanded row boolean | Default value |
Prop | Description and type | Default value |
Prop className# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop aria-label# | Description and type Defines a string value that labels the current element. string | Default value |
Prop data-test-subj# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop css# | Description and type Type: Interpolation<Theme> | Default value |
Prop valign# | Description and type Vertical alignment of the content in the cell "top" | "bottom" | "baseline" | "middle" | Default value middle |
Prop setScopeRow# | Description and type Indicates whether the cell should be marked as the heading for its row boolean | Default value |
Prop hasActions# | Description and type Indicates if the cell is dedicated to row actions boolean | "custom" | Default value |
Prop isExpander# | Description and type Indicates if the column is dedicated as the expandable row toggle boolean | Default value |
Prop mobileOptions# | Description and type Mobile options for displaying differently at small screens; EuiTableRowCellMobileOptionsShape | Default value |
Prop append# | Description and type Content rendered outside the visible cell content wrapper. Useful for, e.g. screen reader text. Used by EuiBasicTable to render hidden copy markers ReactNode | Default value |
Prop textOnly# | Description and type Creates a text wrapper around cell content that helps word break or truncate boolean | Default value true |
Prop truncateText# | Description and type Indicates whether this column should truncate overflowing text content.
boolean | { lines: number; } | Default value false |
Prop | Description and type | Default value |
Prop className# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop aria-label# | Description and type Defines a string value that labels the current element. string | Default value |
Prop data-test-subj# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop css# | Description and type Type: Interpolation<Theme> | Default value |
Prop append# | Description and type Type: ReactNode | Default value |
Prop | Description and type | Default value |
Prop anchorPosition# | Description and type Type: "upCenter" | "upLeft" | "upRight" | "downCenter" | "downLeft" | "downRight" | "leftCenter" | "leftUp" | "leftDown" | "rightCenter" | "rightUp" | "rightDown" | Default value |
Prop items# | Description and type Type: ItemProps[] | Default value |
Prop className# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop aria-label# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop data-test-subj# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop css# | Description and type Type: Interpolation<Theme> | Default value |
Prop | Description and type | Default value |
Prop onSort# | Description and type Callback to know when an item has been clicked () => void | Default value |
Prop isSorted# | Description and type Indicates current option is the sorted on column boolean | Default value |
Prop isSortAscending# | Description and type Indicates which direction the current column is sorted on boolean | Default value |
Prop ariaLabel# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop className# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop aria-label# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop data-test-subj# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop css# | Description and type Type: Interpolation<Theme> | Default value |
Prop | Description and type | Default value |
Prop className# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop aria-label# | Description and type Defines a string value that labels the current element. string | Default value |
Prop data-test-subj# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop css# | Description and type Type: Interpolation<Theme> | Default value |
Prop responsiveBreakpoint# | Description and type Named breakpoint. Below this size, the table will collapse Pass string | boolean | Default value m |