Comment list
The EuiCommentList is a timeline component built on top of
EuiTimeline. It allows you to display comments or logged actions that either a user or a system has performed.Provide a descriptive
or the ID of an external label to the aria-labelledby
prop of the EuiCommentList. A timelineAvatarAriaLabel
should be provided for every EuiComment with or without a timelineAvatar
as IconType
.Basic comment list
Use EuiCommentList to display a list of EuiComments. Pass an array of EuiComment objects and EuiCommentList will generate a comment thread.
The EuiComment is flexible and adapts the design according to the props passed.
- FC usernameD eventE timestampG children
ts code block:<EuiCommentList aria-label="Comment example"> <EuiComment eventIcon="pencil" username="janed" event={event} timestamp={timestamp} actions={customActions} > {children} </EuiComment> </EuiCommentList>
: Shows an avatar that should indicate who is the author of the comment. To customize, pass astring
as aEuiIcon['type']
or a a EuiAvatar. Use in conjunction withtimelineAvatarAriaLabel
to pass an aria label to the avatar. If no avatar is provided, it will default to an avatar with auserAvatar
: Icon that shows before the username. Use in conjunction witheventIconAriaLabel
to pass an aria label to the event icon.username
: Author of the comment.event
: Describes the event that took place.timestamp
: Time of occurrence of the event.actions
: Custom actions that the user can perform from the comment's header. When having multiple actions, consider grouping them in a nested menu system using a EuiPopover with a EuiContextMenu.children
: A user message or any custom component.
The following demo shows how you can combine different props to create different types of comments events like a regular, update, update with a danger background and a custom one.
Timeline avatar
The timeline icon is a very important part of the comment:
- By default, each EuiComment shows an avatar with the
icon. AtimelineAvatarAriaLabel
should be provided when using this default option. - You can customize your avatar by passing to the
any of the icon types that EuiIcon supports. The icon will show inside asubdued
avatar. Consider this option when showing a system update. Providing atimelineAvatarAriaLabel
is recommended. - You can further customize the timeline icon by passing to the
a EuiAvatar.
Comment event actions
There are scenarios where you might want to allow the user to perform actions
related to each comment. Some common actions
include: editing, deleting, sharing and copying. To add custom actions
to a comment, use the actions
prop. These will be placed to the right of the metadata in the comment's header. We recommend using a EuiButtonIcon to trigger an action. When having multiple actions, consider grouping them in a nested menu system using a EuiPopover with a EuiContextMenu.
A comment system
The below example uses a list of EuiComments, a EuiMarkdownEditor, and a EuiMarkdownFormat to create a simple comment system.
- Each comment renders in a EuiComment.
- We use the EuiMarkdownEditor to post the
. This means the content uses Markdown. - When the new EuiComment is posted, we use the EuiMarkdownFormat to wrap the
and render the Markdown correctly.
When dealing with asynchronous events like posting a message we recommend setting the EuiMarkdownEditor to a readOnly
state and the "Add comment" EuiButton to a isLoading
state. This will ensure users understand that the content cannot be changed while the comment is being submitted.
Prop | Description and type | Default value |
Prop className# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop css# | Description and type Type: Interpolation<Theme> | Default value |
Prop aria-label# | Description and type Defines a string value that labels the current element. string | Default value |
Prop data-test-subj# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop comments# | Description and type List of comments to render. See #EuiComment EuiCommentProps[] | Default value |
Prop gutterSize# | Description and type Sets the size of the vertical space between each comment "m" | "l" | "xl" | Default value l |
Prop | Description and type | Default value |
Prop username# | Description and type Author of the comment. ReactNode | Default value Required |
Prop timestamp# | Description and type Time of occurrence of the event. Its format is set on the consumer's side ReactNode | Default value |
Prop event# | Description and type Describes the event that took place ReactNode | Default value |
Prop actions# | Description and type Custom actions that the user can perform from the comment's header ReactNode | ReactNode[] | Default value |
Prop children# | Description and type Accepts any ReactNode. Renders in a panel within the comment event. ReactNode | Default value |
Prop eventIcon# | Description and type Custom icon that shows before the username. IconType | Default value |
Prop eventIconAriaLabel# | Description and type Specify an string | Default value |
Prop eventColor# | Description and type Background color for the comment's header. PanelColor | Default value |
Prop className# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop aria-label# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop data-test-subj# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop css# | Description and type Type: Interpolation<Theme> | Default value |
Prop timelineAvatar# | Description and type Main avatar that accompanies the comment. Should indicate who is the author of the comment. string | number | boolean | ReactElement | Iterable<ReactNode> | ReactPortal | ComponentClass<...> | FunctionComponent<...> | Default value |
Prop timelineAvatarAriaLabel# | Description and type Specify an string | Default value |
Prop verticalAlign# | Description and type Vertical alignment of the event with the icon "center" | "top" | Default value |
Prop | Description and type | Default value |
Prop username# | Description and type Author of the comment. ReactNode | Default value Required |
Prop timestamp# | Description and type Time of occurrence of the event. Its format is set on the consumer's side ReactNode | Default value |
Prop event# | Description and type Describes the event that took place ReactNode | Default value |
Prop actions# | Description and type Custom actions that the user can perform from the comment's header ReactNode | ReactNode[] | Default value |
Prop children# | Description and type Accepts any ReactNode. Renders in a panel within the comment event. ReactNode | Default value |
Prop eventIcon# | Description and type Custom icon that shows before the username. IconType | Default value |
Prop eventIconAriaLabel# | Description and type Specify an string | Default value |
Prop eventColor# | Description and type Background color for the comment's header. PanelColor | Default value |
Prop className# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop aria-label# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop data-test-subj# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop css# | Description and type Type: Interpolation<Theme> | Default value |