Range sliders
Range sliders should only be used when the precise value is not considered important. If the precise value does matter, add the
prop or use a EuiFieldNumber instead.Single range
min, max
: Sets the range values.step
: Technically not required because the default is1
.value, onChange
: While currently considered optional, the property should be added to explicitly state the range to the user.showValue
: Displays a tooltip style indicator of the selected value. You can addvaluePrepend
to bookend the value with custom content.showRange
: Displays a thickened line from the minimum value to the selected value.
Dual range
The EuiDualRange accepts almost all the same props as the regular EuiRange, with the exception of showRange
which is on by default, and showValue
since tooltips don't fit properly when there are two.
Two-value input[type=range]
elements are not part of the HTML5 specification. Because of this support gap, EuiDualRange does not (by default) expose a native value
property for form consumption. The React onChange
prop is the recommended method for retrieving the upper and lower values.
EuiDualRange does use native inputs to help validate step values and range limits. These may be used as form values when showInput
is in use. The alternative is to store values in input[type=hidden]
The showInput
prop, will append or bookend the range slider with number type inputs. This is important for allowing precise values to be entered by the user.
Passing empty strings as the value
to the ranges, will allow the inputs to be blank, though the range handles will show at the min (or max and min) positions.
Tick marks
To show clickable tick marks and labels at a given interval, add the prop showTicks
. By default, tick mark interval is bound to the step
prop, however, you can set a custom interval without changing the actual steps allowed by passing a number to the tickInterval
To pass completely custom tick marks, you can pass an array of objects that require a value
and label
. The value must be included in the range of values (min-max), though the label may be anything you choose.
Tick labels can improve the accessibility of your range. If your label is a simple string, it will be read out to screen readers alongside the value. You can also use the accessibleLabel
property to provide more explicit screen reader text.
If the width available for each tick displayed is below 5px, the range component will error. Test your usage at multiple screen widths to ensure all ticks are visible on the page at all times, or use EUI's useIsWithinBreakpoints
To create colored indicators for certain intervals, pass an array of objects that include a min
, max
and color
. Color options are [ "primary", "success", "warning", "danger" ]
or a valid CSS color value (e.g. "#ff0000"
, "red"
Be sure to then add an aria-describedby
and match it to the id of a EuiFormHelpText.
Inputs with range in a dropdown
Passing showInput="inputWithPopover"
instead of a boolean will only display the inputs until the input is interacted with in which case a dropdown will appear displaying the actual slider.
Kitchen sink
Other alterations you can add to the range are fullWidth
, and disabled
Prop | Description and type | Default value |
Prop value# | Description and type Type: string | number | Default value Required |
Prop max# | Description and type Type: number | Default value Required |
Prop min# | Description and type Type: number | Default value Required |
Prop levels# | Description and type Create colored indicators for certain intervals. EuiRangeLevel[] | Default value |
Prop append# | Description and type Only impacts the input rendered by the PrependAppendType | Default value |
Prop className# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop prepend# | Description and type Only impacts the input rendered by the PrependAppendType | Default value |
Prop css# | Description and type Type: Interpolation<Theme> | Default value |
Prop fullWidth# | Description and type Expand to fill 100% of the parent. boolean | Default value false |
Prop isLoading# | Description and type Only impacts inputs rendered when the boolean | Default value |
Prop aria-label# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop data-test-subj# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop onChange# | Description and type Type: (event: _SingleRangeChangeEvent, isValid: boolean) => void | Default value |
Prop step# | Description and type The number to increment or decrement between each interval number | Default value 1 |
Prop compressed# | Description and type Only impacts ticks rendered by boolean | Default value |
Prop isInvalid# | Description and type Only impacts inputs rendered by the boolean | Default value |
Prop inputPopoverProps# | Description and type Only impacts input popovers rendered when the Allows customizing the underlying EuiInputPopover, Omit<EuiInputPopoverProps, "input" | "fullWidth" | "isOpen" | "closePopover" | "popoverScreenReaderText" | "disableFocusTrap"> | Default value |
Prop ticks# | Description and type Specified ticks at specified values EuiRangeTick[] | Default value |
Prop tickInterval# | Description and type Modifies the number of tick marks and at what interval number | Default value |
Prop showInput# | Description and type Pass boolean | "inputWithPopover" | Default value |
Prop showLabels# | Description and type Shows static min/max labels on the sides of the range slider boolean | Default value |
Prop showRange# | Description and type Shows a thick line from min to value boolean | Default value |
Prop showTicks# | Description and type Shows clickable tick marks and labels at the given interval ( boolean | Default value |
Prop showValue# | Description and type Shows a tooltip styled value boolean | Default value |
Prop valueAppend# | Description and type Appends to the tooltip ReactNode | Default value |
Prop valuePrepend# | Description and type Prepends to the tooltip ReactNode | Default value |
Prop ref# | Description and type Allows getting a ref to the component instance. LegacyRef<unknown> | Default value |
Prop | Description and type | Default value |
Prop value# | Description and type Type: [string | number, string | number] | Default value Required |
Prop onChange# | Description and type Type: (values: [string | number, string | number], isValid: boolean, event?: _DualRangeChangeEvent) => void | Default value Required |
Prop max# | Description and type Type: number | Default value Required |
Prop min# | Description and type Type: number | Default value Required |
Prop levels# | Description and type Create colored indicators for certain intervals. EuiRangeLevel[] | Default value |
Prop append# | Description and type Only impacts inputs rendered when the PrependAppendType | Default value |
Prop className# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop prepend# | Description and type Only impacts inputs rendered when the PrependAppendType | Default value |
Prop css# | Description and type Type: Interpolation<Theme> | Default value |
Prop fullWidth# | Description and type Expand to fill 100% of the parent. boolean | Default value false |
Prop isLoading# | Description and type Only impacts inputs rendered when the boolean | Default value |
Prop aria-label# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop data-test-subj# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop onFocus# | Description and type Type: (event: FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement, Element> | FocusEvent<HTMLDivElement, Element>) => void | Default value |
Prop onBlur# | Description and type Type: (event: FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement, Element> | FocusEvent<HTMLDivElement, Element>) => void | Default value |
Prop step# | Description and type The number to increment or decrement between each interval number | Default value 1 |
Prop compressed# | Description and type Only impacts ticks rendered by boolean | Default value |
Prop isInvalid# | Description and type Only impacts inputs rendered by the boolean | Default value |
Prop inputPopoverProps# | Description and type Only impacts input popovers rendered when the Allows customizing the underlying EuiInputPopover, Omit<EuiInputPopoverProps, "input" | "fullWidth" | "isOpen" | "closePopover" | "popoverScreenReaderText" | "disableFocusTrap"> | Default value |
Prop isDraggable# | Description and type Creates a draggble highlighted range area boolean | Default value |
Prop minInputProps# | Description and type Intended to be used with aria attributes. Some attributes may be overwritten. Partial<Omit<EuiRangeInputProps, "fullWidth" | "step" | "max" | "min" | "compressed" | "controlOnly" | "autoSize">> | Default value |
Prop maxInputProps# | Description and type Intended to be used with aria attributes. Some attributes may be overwritten. Partial<Omit<EuiRangeInputProps, "fullWidth" | "step" | "max" | "min" | "compressed" | "controlOnly" | "autoSize">> | Default value |
Prop ticks# | Description and type Specified ticks at specified values EuiRangeTick[] | Default value |
Prop tickInterval# | Description and type Modifies the number of tick marks and at what interval number | Default value |
Prop showInput# | Description and type Pass boolean | "inputWithPopover" | Default value |
Prop showLabels# | Description and type Shows static min/max labels on the sides of the range slider boolean | Default value |
Prop showRange# | Description and type Shows a thick line from min to value boolean | Default value |
Prop showTicks# | Description and type Shows clickable tick marks and labels at the given interval ( boolean | Default value |
Prop ref# | Description and type Allows getting a ref to the component instance. LegacyRef<unknown> | Default value |