Resizable container
This component is handy for various resizable containers. EuiResizableContainer uses the
React Render Props technique to provide EuiResizablePanel and EuiResizableButton components for layout, andactions
for custom handling collapse and resize functionality in your app. Wrap parts of your content with the EuiResizablePanel component and put the EuiResizableButton component between.Consider adding a tabIndex=0
prop to the EuiResizableContainer if it is a fixed height or has a lot of content. This ensures keyboard users can set focus on the container and scroll to the bottom using arrow keys.
Horizontal resizing
Simple resizable container with two panels and a resizer between. This is the most common case you'll need in your app. Just drag the resizer button between two panels to increase/decrease panel size. You could also use arrow keys ←|→ on the focused resizer button to change panel size.
- add
in percents to each panel to specify the initial size of it. Other calculations will be encapsulated, you don't worry about it. - add
prop to a panel to eliminate overflow scrolling
Resizable panel options
Each EuiResizablePanel is simply an EuiPanel wrapped with a <div>
for controlling the width. It stretches to fill its container and accepts all of the same EuiPanel props to style your panel.
The default props clear most of the EuiPanel styles, but you can add them back in with color
, hasShadow
, and paddingSize
Horizontal resizing with controlled widths
Sometimes it's necessary to control panel sizes from the outside. For example to store sizes in localStorage
or change the layout with predefined sizes. Here is the onPanelWidthChange
and size
props for help. If you use such an approach, you have to specify an id
prop for each panel to track their sizes.
Either initialSize
or size
must be specified. The size
prop is for cases where a parent component will control sizing updates.
Vertical resizing
Set direction=vertical
on EuiResizableContainer to set a vertical orientation of the resizable panels.
Resizable container callbacks
EuiResizableContainer supports onResizeStart
and onResizeEnd
callback props to listen for when resizing starts and ends. The onResizeStart
callback is passed a trigger: 'pointer' | 'key'
parameter to determine which user action triggered the resize.
Collapsible resizable panels
Panels can be designated as collapsible, which allows them to hide content and automatically resize to a minimal width. The intent of collapsible panels is to enable large, layout-level content areas to cede space to a main content area. For instance, collapsing an action panel to allow more focus on the primary display panel.
Use the mode
prop on an EuiResizablePanel to mark it as collapsible
or main
. From the provided mode
configuration, the EuiResizableContainer will determine placement of the toggle button and functionality of panel collapsing. To prevent empty states, not all panels can be mode=collapsible
(there must be at least one mode=main
Responsive layout
It is possible to dynamically change the direction
prop to allow for adapting layouts to screen size. Resize the window to see the panel orientation change.
Collapsible panel options
An EuiResizablePanel marked as mode={['collapsible']}
also accepts configuration options for the collapsible button by passing a second parameter, in the form of:
ts code block:mode={['collapsible', { 'data-test-subj': 'panel-1-toggle', className: 'panel-toggle', position: 'top', }]}
Collapsible panels with external control
EuiResizableContainer also provides action hooks for parent components to access internal methods, such as EuiResizablePanel collapse toggling. The actions are accessible via the third parameter of the render prop function.
Note that when bypassing internal EuiResizableContainer logic, it is possible to create situations that would otherwise be prevented. For instance, allowing all panels to be collapsed creates a scenerio where your app will need to account for empty state and accesibility in regards to keyboard navigation.
Custom collapse button
You can also provide an external collapse button for custom placement and look within your panel with mode={['custom']}
. When collapsed, however, the default collapsed button will be used for users to uncollapse the panel.
For consistency, we recommend the usage of the menuLeft
, menuRight
, etc, icon types.
Resizable button indicator
By default, EuiResizableButton shows a grab handle indicator as a UI hint. For use cases where the resize behavior is "nice to have" but not a primary UX focus, or where there are many other busy UI elements on the page, you can set indicator="border"
to display a subdued border element instead, which only provides resize affordance on hover or focus.
Custom resize logic
If you want to break out of EuiResizableContainer usage completely, you may import the standalone EuiResizableButton component. You will need to attach your own mouse, touch, and keyboard events and logic to the button - see the example below.
Prop | Description and type | Default value |
Prop children# | Description and type Pure function which accepts Panel and Resizer components in arguments (Panel: ComponentType<EuiResizablePanelProps>, Resizer: ComponentType<EuiResizableButtonProps>, actions: Partial<...>) => ReactNode | Default value Required |
Prop direction# | Description and type Specify the container direction "horizontal" | "vertical" | Default value horizontal |
Prop onPanelWidthChange# | Description and type Pure function which accepts an object where keys are IDs of panels, which sizes were changed, ({}: { [key: string]: number; }) => void | Default value |
Prop onToggleCollapsed# | Description and type Type: ToggleCollapseCallback | Default value |
Prop onResizeStart# | Description and type Called when resizing starts (trigger: ResizeTrigger) => void | Default value |
Prop onResizeEnd# | Description and type Called when resizing ends () => void | Default value |
Prop style# | Description and type Type: CSSProperties | Default value |
Prop className# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop aria-label# | Description and type Defines a string value that labels the current element. string | Default value |
Prop data-test-subj# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop css# | Description and type Type: Interpolation<Theme> | Default value |
Prop | Description and type | Default value |
Prop className# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop aria-label# | Description and type Defines a string value that labels the current element. string | Default value |
Prop data-test-subj# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop css# | Description and type Type: Interpolation<Theme> | Default value |
Prop isHorizontal# | Description and type Defaults to displaying a resizer for vertical (y-axis) resizing. boolean | Default value |
Prop indicator# | Description and type By default, EuiResizableButton will show a grab handle to indicate resizability. "border" | "handle" | Default value handle |
Prop alignIndicator# | Description and type Allows customizing the alignment of grab "center" | "end" | "start" | Default value center |
Prop accountForScrollbars# | Description and type By default, EuiResizableButton will overlap into the panels before/after it. "both" | "before" | "after" | Default value |
Prop ref# | Description and type Allows getting a ref to the component instance. LegacyRef<HTMLButtonElement> | Default value |