Basic number field
Use the
EuiFormRow component to easily and accessibly associate form components with labels, help text, and error text.Use a EuiFieldNumber to allow users to enter numbers. This component renders a basic HTML
<input type="number">
element.Native validation
When passed the min
, max
, or step
props, EuiFieldNumber will automatically show an invalid/error state if the user inputs a number outside the min/max range, or a number that is not a multiple of step
Any native error messages will be visible as a browser tooltip on mouseover.
Prop | Description and type | Default value |
Prop className# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop aria-label# | Description and type Defines a string value that labels the current element. string | Default value |
Prop data-test-subj# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop css# | Description and type Type: Interpolation<Theme> | Default value |
Prop icon# | Description and type Type: IconType | IconShape | Default value |
Prop isInvalid# | Description and type Type: boolean | Default value |
Prop fullWidth# | Description and type Expand to fill 100% of the parent. boolean | Default value false |
Prop isLoading# | Description and type Type: boolean | Default value false |
Prop readOnly# | Description and type Type: boolean | Default value |
Prop min# | Description and type Type: number | Default value |
Prop max# | Description and type Type: number | Default value |
Prop step# | Description and type Specifies the granularity that the value must adhere to. number | "any" | Default value "any" |
Prop inputRef# | Description and type Type: Ref<HTMLInputElement> | Default value |
Prop prepend# | Description and type Creates an input group with element(s) coming before input. PrependAppendType | Default value |
Prop append# | Description and type Creates an input group with element(s) coming after input. PrependAppendType | Default value |
Prop controlOnly# | Description and type Completely removes form control layout wrapper and ignores boolean | Default value |
Prop compressed# | Description and type when boolean | Default value false |