Button guidelines
This page documents patterns for button design, including types, placement, color, and size.
Button types
Filled buttons are for the primary action
This button has the heaviest visual weight to draw users' attention.
Standard buttons are for secondary actions
Such actions include Add and Apply. This button type works well for multiple actions of equal weight.
Empty buttons are for complementary, UI-specific actions
Close, cancel, filter, refresh, and other actions that reconfigure the UI are appropriate for empty buttons.
Icon buttons are for saving space
The icon must be immediately understood, for example, a trash can for delete. Use these buttons sparingly, and never for the primary action.
Placement and order
Button placement and order should follow the user path.
Put buttons on the right in containers with a restricted width
In contained spaces like modals, popovers, bottom bars, and flyouts, the user path is top to bottom, left to right, in a Z-shaped pattern. Placing buttons on the bottom right puts them right where users finish scanning.
Do: Place the primary action on the bottom right with the secondary action on its left in modals.
Do: Always use buttons positioned to the right in popovers.
Put buttons on the left in unrestricted containers
With large page forms, content is typically concentrated on the top and left with a lot of open space to the right. The user path is top to bottom, in an F-shaped pattern.
Do: Put the primary action in the leftmost position so the user's eye never has to leave the one side.
Don't: Put the actions far away from the content.
Other patterns
Button should always fit the surrounding context and stay consistent with the app.
Do: If the action is against the page title, place the primary button in the upper right. A common pattern is a create button that adds an item to a list. Creation starts at the top and ends at the bottom. Think of it as adding to a pile.
Do: Empty states are unique because they focus first on information and then try to sell the user on creation. In these special cases, where the container is constrained and the content is fairly short, the title and the button should be center aligned.
One primary button per layout
The primary action should not have to compete for attention. Use only one filled button per page, modal, form, or other layout.
Do: Use only one filled button per layout. The primary action is the one you want the user to eventually complete.
Don't: Too many primary buttons will confuse the user.
Minimize the mixing of color, size, and type
When in doubt, use a blue button in the default size and never put more than two visual styles next to each other.
Do: Stick to the default pattern: a filled, primary button paired with an empty, but same-colored button.
Don't: Readability suffers when multiple colors and sizes are used.
Icons in buttons either stand on their own or add context
Icon buttons can save space. Limit icon buttons to groups of two, otherwise they lose meaning.
Do: Use icon buttons for universal actions that are easy to understand.
Don't: Icons alone in a standard button defeats the purpose of saving space.
Icons can serve as a scanning aid in a text label, but keep to a minimum. Icons work best on labels for binary actions, for example, Create and Delete, and final actions, such as Save.
Do: Use icons to emphasize actions. The arrow on the Continue button lets users know they still have more items to fill out. Using the word "complete" with a rare check icon helps users understand that this is the final action.
Don't: Unnecessary icons often distract from the text. This is especially true when the icon is positioned on the right, with a hard to interpret icon.
Stack action sets into one button
Two buttons are optimal for a side-by-side layout, three is rare. For more buttons, use a dropdown or context menu.
Do: Put multiple actions inside a menu triggered by a single rather than showing them separately.
Don't: When there are many buttons, none matter.
Labels that say what the button does
Labels should provide a clear indication of that action that occurs when the user clicks the button. Prefer action words, and include an object when it is not clear from the context, for example, Add dashboard. Labels should be three words or fewer. If your label requires more words, consider using a text link instead.
Preferred words in buttons
Text | Description |
Establishes a new relationship. Often used in a create-then-add scenario. You create a dashboard, then add a visualization. Always followed by an object. Do not use "Add new." Remove is the correct opposite. | |
Stops an action without saving pending changes. Never make Cancel red—it's not a destructive action. Cancel is always an empty button. | |
Creates a new object from scratch. Always followed by an object, for example, “Create pipeline.” Do not use "Create new."Exception: “Add user” is more intuitive than “Create user.” Delete is the correct opposite. | |
Deletes data so users can longer retrieve it. Create is the correct opposite. Do not confuse with Remove. | |
Removes a relationship, but doesn't permanently delete data. For example, you remove a visualization from a dashboard. Add is the correct opposite. | |
| Carries out pending changes, for example, Save edits. Do not confuse with Add. Can use green if this button is the final save action. |
Avoid these words in buttons
Text | Use this instead |
Add or Create | |
Words that explain the action | |
| Words that explain the action |