EUI provides both light and dark theme files to use in tandem with Elastic Charts. Simply import these objects from the themes folder and pass the correct one to the Settings.theme property.
tsx code block:import { DARK_THEME, LIGHT_THEME } from '@elastic/charts'; const chartBaseTheme = isDarkTheme ? DARK_THEME : LIGHT_THEME; <Settings baseTheme={chartBaseTheme} />
EUI provides a plugin utility for ease of pulling in the correct theme object depending on the current Kibana theme. Learn more from this
readme.EUI also provides some basic color palettes and functions if you would like to change the default color blind safe scheme to another palette. You can import these from the services folder. Create a new partial theme object with your chosen colors and prepend it to the list of themes supplied to Settings.
tsx code block:import { DARK_THEME, LIGHT_THEME } from '@elastic/charts'; import { euiPaletteGreen } from '../../../../src/services'; const MyChart = () => { const customColors = { colors: { vizColors: euiPaletteGreen(5), }, }; const chartBaseTheme = isDarkTheme ? DARK_THEME : LIGHT_THEME; return ( <Chart> <Settings baseTheme={chartBaseTheme} theme={customColors} /> //... </Chart> ); };
You'll find an example of these in the demo below.
Coloring charts
Use color to distinguish categories, represent quantity/density, and highlight data. When using color in this way, be aware that too many colors in a single chart can create noise and hinder quick comprehension.
When creating a multi-series chart where each series shows contrasting data, use the color blind safe palette of contrasting colors. This will also avoid implying levels of magnitude.
Think about the data you are delivering and if there is a way to highlight key indicators. If you can combine the series into logical groups, use contrasting shapes and styles, but keep the same color for within groups.
Quantity vs trends
When coloring for sequential series data (not categorical), rely on conventions. If the data signifies quantities, use a single color that spans from light colors for low amounts to dark colors for high amounts. If the data signifies trends, use a two-color divergent scheme, with the darkest colors at the extremes.
Whan signifying quantities, group values into intervals instead of a continuous gradient scale.