The EuiSkeleton components are placeholder components for content which has yet to load. They provide meaningful previews, avoid layout content shifts, and add accessible announcements to screen readers when content is done loading.
prop should be used to help describe the type of content that is loading to screen reader users. If you do not provide a descriptive label and have have multiple loading skeletons on the page, screen reader users may hear a multitude of “Loaded” messages in a row, with no meaningful indication of what actually loaded.Text
Use EuiSkeletonText to display a placeholder for multiple lines of text.
Use EuiSkeletonTitle to display a placeholder for heading titles.
Use EuiSkeletonCircle to display a circular preview, mainly for avatars.
EuiSkeletonRectangle allows you define a large and customizable shape via its width
, height
, and borderRadius
Combining multiple skeletons
EuiSkeletonLoading is a light wrapper around the EuiSkeleton components that handles loading accessibility and flipping between skeleton and loaded content.
As you may have noticed in the previous demos, toggling multiple skeletons to their loaded state all at once triggers multiple queued screen reader announcements, which can be annoying to SR users.
To circumvent this, use EuiSkeletonLoading to handle a single parent-level isLoading
state. EuiSkeleton children passed to the loadingContent
should not have their own isLoading
props or children.
Customizing screen reader announcements
EuiSkeleton components assume that the page starts as loading and transitions to loaded, and the default screen reader experience is set up accordingly (announceLoadedStatus={true}
In scenarios where that is not the case (i.e., transitioning to loading), you can customize what statuses are announced to screen readers by setting announceLoadingStatus
to true, or announceLoadedStatus
to false. Submitting the below example announces a loading status, but not a loaded status.
As an optional escape hatch, ariaLiveProps
is also available and accepts any
Prop | Description and type | Default value |
Prop className# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop aria-label# | Description and type Defines a string value that labels the current element. string | Default value |
Prop data-test-subj# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop css# | Description and type Type: Interpolation<Theme> | Default value |
Prop isLoading# | Description and type When true, shows the loading skeleton component. boolean | Default value true |
Prop contentAriaLabel# | Description and type Label your loading sections to provide more helpful context to screen readers. string | Default value |
Prop announceLoadingStatus# | Description and type Makes a live screen reader announcement when boolean | Default value false |
Prop announceLoadedStatus# | Description and type Makes a live screen reader announcement when boolean | Default value true |
Prop ariaLiveProps# | Description and type Optional props to pass to the Partial<EuiScreenReaderLiveProps> | Default value |
Prop ariaWrapperProps# | Description and type Optional props to pass to the HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> | Default value |
Prop size# | Description and type Type: "s" | "m" | "l" | "xl" | Default value m |