Super select
EUI's in-depth guide to selection components for more information.This is a simple replacement component for EuiSelect if you need more customization in either the display of the input or option. Simply pass an array of option objects:
: for storing unique value of item,inputDisplay
: what shows inside the form input when selected,dropdownDisplay
: (optional) what shows for the item in the dropdown
ā¦ and the component will create a select styled button that triggers a popover of selectable items.
More complex
Both inputDisplay
and dropdownDisplay
accept React nodes. Therefore you can pass some descriptions with each option to show in the dropdown. If your options will most likely be multi-line, add the hasDividers
prop to show borders between options.
A placeholder
prop may also be passed that accepts string as well as React nodes (to match your inputDisplay
if necessary). This placeholder will only show when valueOfSelected
is empty.
You can pass the same props as you normally would to EuiSelect like disabled, isLoading, compressed, etcā¦
Prop | Description and type | Default value |
Prop options# | Description and type Pass an array of options that must at least include: EuiSuperSelectOption<T>[] | Default value Required |
Prop className# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop aria-label# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop data-test-subj# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop css# | Description and type Type: Interpolation<Theme> | Default value |
Prop append# | Description and type Creates an input group with element(s) coming after input. PrependAppendType | Default value |
Prop prepend# | Description and type Creates an input group with element(s) coming before input. PrependAppendType | Default value |
Prop name# | Description and type Type: string | Default value |
Prop fullWidth# | Description and type Expand to fill 100% of the parent. boolean | Default value false |
Prop isLoading# | Description and type Type: boolean | Default value false |
Prop buttonRef# | Description and type Type: Ref<HTMLButtonElement> | Default value |
Prop compressed# | Description and type Type: boolean | Default value false |
Prop placeholder# | Description and type Placeholder to display when the current selected value is empty. ReactNode | Default value |
Prop readOnly# | Description and type Type: boolean | Default value |
Prop isInvalid# | Description and type Type: boolean | Default value false |
Prop valueOfSelected# | Description and type Type: {} | Default value |
Prop itemClassName# | Description and type Classes for the context menu item string | Default value |
Prop onChange# | Description and type You must pass an (value: T) => void | Default value |
Prop onFocus# | Description and type Type: (event?: FocusEvent<Element, Element>) => void | Default value |
Prop onBlur# | Description and type Type: (event?: FocusEvent<Element, Element>) => void | Default value |
Prop hasDividers# | Description and type Change to boolean | Default value false |
Prop itemLayoutAlign# | Description and type Change EuiContextMenuItemLayoutAlignment | Default value |
Prop isOpen# | Description and type Controls whether the options are shown. Default: false boolean | Default value |
Prop popoverProps# | Description and type Optional props to pass to the underlying EuiInputPopover. Does not accept a nested Partial<CommonProps & Omit<EuiInputPopoverProps, "isOpen">> | Default value |